Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Giving it up.

It been years since the institution of a revolutionary regime in South Africa our country. A group of young people valiantly revolted against the strong hold of a despotic and uncompromisingly unfair NP government. 15 years down the rocky African road, contrary to the masses hope, there is still a nervy air of uncertainty and worry as to who will be leading the country for the next political term. For me the first question that seems to be on my mind and one that I admit to dominating my thoughts over the past few months is whether there is a genuine feeling amongst the rich and the so called middle class (which are in any case overwhelming richer than the poor lol) to bare the weight of the poor and needy of this country. more impotantly if tax paying Christians have handed over there responsibility of looking after the sick and needy to the government and churches as organs because they pay tax and give tithes.

Over the past few months the faces of politicians and their affiliated parties have become more common in our daily lives because of the election than in any other time. Through the use of policies and manifesto’s parties hope to define themselves and make know the agenda which they wish to ensue. In taking a bold step, I am of the opinion that a parallel can be seen between political parties and the followers of Jesus Christ. The policies seem to have the characteristics I’d wish to see in a fellow Christian. Below is an extract from the cope manifesto.

“Once more our country stands at the threshold of a historic moment. South Africans from all walks
of lives have an opportunity to implement an Action Plan for Change in our advance to a united, non
racial, non sexist and prosperous South Africa. For the first time since our historic elections of 1994
that ushered in our new democracy, our people have a chance to further deepen democracy, defend
the constitution, and move with speed to implement the ideals enunciated in our constitution.
We therefore call on you, the people of South Africa to vote for the people's congress - COPE, the party that
has a new agenda to accelerate the national advance to:
fearlessly defend the constitution and uphold the rule of law;
systematically eradicate poverty, grow the economy, create decent work and substantially reduce
protect the environment and our natural resources for future generations
equip and educate our children to be globally competitive and ready to function in the knowledge economy
and provide our people with opportunities to acquire the necessary skills to realise their full potential;
significantly improve the quality of health care and increase health literacy;
fight and reduce crime and provide better safety and security for all;
enhance the gains made in the empowerment of women to achieve gender equality;
empower and develop the youth to realise their full potential and play their rightful role in society;
strengthen families, family life and communities;
unite the nation to act together to build a truly non-racial South Africa; and, contribute to the development of
Africa, strengthen South-South cooperation and build a more just world. “

The ANC’s election manifesto focuses on the following five main issues of work, health, education, crime and rural development. Isaiah say “is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and provide the poor wanderer with shelter; when you see the naked, to clothe them and not to turn away from your own flesh and Blood?” (Isa. 58:6-7). Luke also goes on to say that anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none ( Luke 3:11). There are several similar verses in the bible that encourage followers of Christ to focus on issues of health, work, education, crime and poverty alleviation.

Is it fair for me to say that paying tax and the subsequent apathy that follows with it, has paralysed our nation? And that tithes to the church as a good excuse not to get our hands dirty? And is my comparison of political parties and followers of Christ one that’s appropriate and relevant to these times?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

journey has just begun

Recently it dawned on me that there really is more to life than to be a winner, a go getter, rich man, have an expensive car and house, etc. I have many models of individuals in my personal life who are wonderful examples of people who embrace the least of these. They are not trapped in the rat race for money and glory. Even with that said it is not nearly enough for me. I need to be a model myself. Learn to embrace being part of the least of those. I have something to give to the word. Those people around me should be there not to act on my behalf but to encourage me to be that change that I see needs to happen.

I'm still young and have to learn but I will not let that slow me down but instead fuel my passion to learn more. This is a journey I wish to take that will change me and build me.

Mohatleng means tail ender or last place. The pursuit of fulfilment in things other than money, sex and power is seen by many as crazy and some even deem it radical but to me that should be my daily life. Join me on this journey; one that I really hope will lead me through the way. To make me a follower of Jesus’ way and just not subscribe to the apathetic Christian movement.